Who Are You Attracting?

Here’s a question from Jessica, who’s experiencing something we can all relate to. 
The Question:
Hi Helena,
It seems like all the men I date always end up disappointing me in some way. It starts off great, and then after a couple weeks they either say the wrong thing, forget to call, or they seem to get busy and stop making plans with me and everything just fizzles after that. I always end up feeling disregarded and it’s really frustrating. Please help!
My Answer:
Jessica, I know exactly how frustrating this can be. I want you to know that the first step to turning things around for yourself is Awareness.
You can’t begin to change anything until you become aware of what’s going on – so I want you to fully embrace and celebrate this Awareness!
Now I want you to take a look at your “boy” energy – the part of you that’s about Doing, Thinking, Giving, Planning, and Making Decisions – and how it’s operating in your own life.
Rori Raye says that there is no one separate from you. There’s just YOU showing up in different ways out there in the world – and I wholeheartedly believe this.
In other words, whatever is going on in your boy energy inside of you – that’s what’s showing up in the men you’re meeting out there!
The men you meet and attract when you’re dating are like a mirror image of the kind of  “boy” that’s running your life. For example, if you’re critical of yourself, you’re going to attract – and be attracted TO – men who will criticize you.
If your “boy” is not taking care of your “girl” energy – the part of you that’s about Being, Feeling, Receiving, Expressing, and Experiencing – you’re going to be wearing a sign that says “Disappoint Me.” That’s all you’re going to see out there in the world.
So I want you to ask yourself – what is your “boy” energy doing or not doing in your life that’s showing up in the men you’re attracting? Ask yourself, “Does my boy love me and take care of me?” Or, “Is he constantly disappointing and abandoning me?
Take a look at how this is going on inside of you. See what your “boy” can do to take care of your “girl” – and create the space for her to experience her feelings and just BE.
Love, Helena

4 thoughts on “Who Are You Attracting?”

  1. I can totally relate to this, especially the part about attracting critical men. All the men I used to date were very critical, until I realized how hard I on myself I can be. Once I started working on myself I started attracting nicer guys who treated me well.

    1. Tamara, that’s AMAZING!!! You can see the progression of how you’re doing on the inside by the kind of men you’re attracting. When the nice guys start showing up you know you’re on the right track! I’m going to write a whole new blog post about this – stay tuned!
      Love, Helena

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