Helena Hart, M.A. – About Me

photo (1)As a Certified Life and Relationship Coach
with a masters degree in Psychology – author and Master Coach Teacher for Rori Raye – I understand the challenges of balancing the masculine energies I use in work with the feminine energies necessary for success in dating and relationships.

Many years ago, I was able to completely turn my own love around. Before this, I was investing all of my time and energy into one man after another – in what always turned out to be one dead-end relationship after another.

I didn’t have a problem attracting men, but I wasn’t interested in the men who wanted to give me everything I dreamed of – love, affection, loyalty, and commitment – while ones I REALLY wanted never took the relationship to the next level and always left me heartbroken – and even MORE hopeless and distrustful of men.

I had to uncover my relationship patterns and deep fear of intimacy in order to figure out what I was doing that was blocking love and great men from coming toward me. When I did this I was able to heal myself and turn things around very quickly!

Once I started using the same tools I’ll be teaching you, I was able to go from feeling anxious and insecure in relationships – and totally hopeless when it came to love – to feeling completely relaxed, confident, and secure. I was surprised to find that I simply became bored with the men who couldn’t step up and “do the job” of relationship – the very same men I’d been pining after before!

I began attracting AND being attracted to the type of men who would do anything to be with me and move the relationship forward all on their own. When I really got serious, I ended up quickly attracting my husband, Tom, and now we have a great son together!

If I was able to transform my love life, I know you can too! I can help you attract the right kind of man and recognize love when it shows up – whether it’s with the man you’re already with or someone you’re about to meet – and then help you allow it to become everything you’ve ever dreamed of!

Whether you’re recently single or you’ve been single for years – or you’re in a relationship that seems to be going nowhere – I can help you quickly and permanently turn your love life around. You’ll be amazed at how easy and FUN it can be to attract love and the right kind of man into your life, without having to work so hard! 

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Helena Hart is so smart – you’ll feel it the moment you hear her voice on the phone or see her face on Skype. And so kind, and clever, and able to see right away what’s going on with you and how she can help.
Her masters degree in Psychology just adds to her credentials as an RRRCT Master Coach Teacher. Her specialty (if she has one…she’s so good at everything) is in helping women effortlessly attract love into their lives.

She has a signature process that will turn you into a MAGNET for men – first by taking away all the things that are blocking love and great men from coming toward you, then by giving you tools that will magnetize men to you and make it so they can’t get enough of you!

She’s had amazing success in her own life and in turning around the love lives of her clients. So, whether you’re recently single or you’ve been single for years – or you’re in a relationship that seems to be going nowhere – Helena can help you quickly and permanently get what you want.

~ Rori Raye, Have The Relationship You Want  
