What To Do If You're Attracted To Men Who Keep You At A Distance

Are-You-Attracted-to-Men-Who-Keep-You-At-A-Distance_-featured_2-300x169If you seem to keep choosing the wrong men over and over, or if you find yourself more attracted to met who keep you at a distance, you’re not alone! This is very common.
We’re all “programmed” a certain way to attract and be attracted to a certain type of person, so the level at which you’re operating affects the level at which you’re attracting. The good news is, the level at which you’re operating and valuating yourself can change!
Here are some of my thoughts I recorded on what to do if you’re attracted to men who keep you at a distance:

I’d love to hear YOUR thoughts on this!
Love, Helena
P.S. – If you’d like some specific, step-by-step tools to turn this around and start attracting the RIGHT man for you, check out my eBook, “Attract The Man You Want” and my “Effortlessly Attract Love Program”:
Attract The Man You Want eBook
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3 thoughts on “What To Do If You're Attracted To Men Who Keep You At A Distance”

  1. I love this, BUT HOW do you feel loved and filled up by yourself? I have dear friends, happy work, & hobbies I love…but honestly, they dont fill me up like being held in the arms of a partner. If I get really honest with myself, I decide some male attention is better than none. Then I settle for crumbs bc I have physical needs that no number of massages, hugs from friends etc, can fill. What then?

    1. Hi Michelle,
      This is a fantastic question! It’s totally ok to enjoy some male attention – that’s a good thing! However, if you have a pattern of getting invested in or attached to men who are unavailable or always leave you heartbroken (or you end up “settling for crumbs” like you said), you want to make sure that the ONLY men you spend time with are 100% available and their energy is coming TOWARDS you.
      When you do this, over time that attraction and “pull” towards the unavailable men will start to fade, as you start developing attraction and REAL chemistry with the type of men who would do anything to be with you! Here are some blog posts that will be helpful for you:
      I’d love to hear how this goes for you!
      Love, Helena

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