You Don’t Attract The Wrong Men, You ACCEPT The Wrong Men

wrong-menEven though I’m proud of the work I do, I’m the first to recognize that there are a bunch of other relationship experts out there with unique and powerful messages.

I want to introduce you to one of my favorites. His name is Evan Marc Katz. He works exclusively with smart, strong, successful women.

Evan’s full efforts are spent helping women just like you understand and connect with men. Like me, Evan truly gets how the higher your standards are, the harder it is to find a quality man who wants to commit.

I want to give you a small taste of how insightful he is. Here’s something he wrote which really resonated with me. I trust you’ll agree:

You don’t attract the wrong men. You ACCEPT the wrong men.

What happens when you find yourself incredibly attracted to a man? Well, there’s the feeling of chemistry and everything that comes along with it – the obsessive highs that come with wanting to be with him, the joy of feeling incredibly connected – and what you may sometimes forget, the willful blindness that allows you to overlook his flaws.

That’s one of the most miraculous things about chemistry – it allows you to focus only on the good and ignore all the bad.

Which is why you can have incredible chemistry with a man but end up in a TERRIBLE relationship with him – where he doesn’t call you, doesn’t take you out, doesn’t compliment you, doesn’t make you feel safe, and doesn’t commit to you.

But you stick around because of how strong your rare FEELINGS are.

You’ve now discovered the real secret to why you end up in dead-end relationships: You don’t attract the wrong men, you ACCEPT the wrong men.

If you consistently find yourself in relationships with liars, cheaters, addicts, leeches, or commitment-phobes – your job isn’t to get them to stop lying, cheating, drinking, mooching or flaking. Your job is to LEAVE.

Even if you never stop attracting the wrong men – starting now, you can stop accepting their bad behavior… and save yourself from years of heartbreak and pain.

Perhaps this has happened to you (it’s happened to me MANY times): On those rare occasions when you get excited about a guy, it always turns out that he was “too good to be true.”

Three weeks in, he pulls a disappearing act. Three months in, he still won’t take down his online dating profile. Three years in, he has no plans to marry you.

If you’ve ever found yourself in that situation, you’re going to LOVE Evan’s eBook, “Why He Disappeared: The Smart, Strong, Successful Woman’s Guide To Understanding Men And Keeping The Right One Hooked Forever.”

Evan and I have created a special opportunity for you to learn more about how men think – why they don’t come back after first dates, why they don’t want to commit, and why they bail on your relationship. We put together an amazing, one-of-a-kind package, filled with bonuses designed exclusively for my readers.

These high-quality bonuses will give you SO much insight into the male mind. With that knowledge, you can stop agonizing over the failed relationships of your past, and start creating an exciting new future!

Click here to learn The 3 Biggest Dating Truths that most women will NEVER know about men – and how they can give you the deep, loving relationship you’ve always desired.

7 thoughts on “You Don’t Attract The Wrong Men, You ACCEPT The Wrong Men”

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