What Makes A Man Want To Move The Relationship Forward Towards Commitment – Part 2

FullSizeRender (10)In Part 1 of this post, I explained that women tend to look in the distance for the relationship, while most men are all about the moment.
If you can REVERSE that – and just play in the moment – the right man for you will want to keep coming towards you forever. 
In this post, I want to give you a tool to put this into action and become irresistible to men – and inspire the right man for you to move the relationship forward all on his own.
So many of us are rushing through our days, just “going through the motions” and living our lives on autopilot.

Women who are naturally irresistible to men know how to slow down the tempo of every moment, so they can actually EXPERIENCE it while it’s happening.

Start by practicing slowing down your movements, the tempo of your voice, and entire conversations.
The idea is to get INSIDE of every moment.
When you’re talking to a man, you want to actually experience his words and his eyes, feel the air on your skin, and really take in everything around you.
All of this will make you much more sensual and tactile. It gives him a moment to breathe.

Men can feel turned off when we’re moving too fast – they want to know that you’re interested in getting to know WHO they are, not just looking to them to “fill a role.”

Many women feel frustrated, hopeless, or just plain exhausted from kissing too many frogs, and I understand that frustration – I’ve been there!
I’m here to tell you, it only takes ONE man to make the whole journey worthwhile!
Once you start getting in touch with your feminine energy by slowing down the tempo and getting inside of every moment, the right man for you won’t be able to get enough of you – he’ll want to experience more and more moments WITH you!
Creating positive experiences and feelings with a man one moment at a time (rather than starting conversations about where the relationship is going) is what inspires him to want to move the relationship forward all on his own, without any sort of “prompting” or ultimatums from you.

If you REALLY want to inspire a man to give you all the love, affection, and commitment you want and deserve, check out my eBook, Attract The Man You Want and my Effortlessly Attract Love Program.

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