Tips For "Having It All" In Work And Love – Part 2

IMG_0463In the last post,  I described how “having it all” in work and love involved getting my masculine energy in gear for MYSELF – rather than using it to try to “make something happen” in my love life.

I also shared my first two Tips For “Having It All” to give your masculine energy something to DO, so that you can be in your feminine energy when you’re with a man.

Here are three more Tips For “Having It All” in work so that you can get your masculine energy in gear for YOURSELF:

3. Focus On VALUE

If you want to grow your business or advance in your career, you have to add more VALUE to your clients and customers.

When you focus too much the numbers and on money, money tends to “shrink.” Instead, focus on how much VALUE you’re providing for your clients.

For example, ask yourself what you could do to add ten times as much value for your clients and customers.

What you think would be valuable may be different from what your CLIENTS think is valuable, so you want to find out exactly what your clients’ unmet needs are. You can ask your clients and potential clients questions such as:

What’s your biggest fear or frustration?

What’s your biggest desire or the outcome you want to achieve?

Many of your potential clients and customers will WANT to help you create products that will help them specifically.

4. Speed Of Implementation

The faster you execute projects, the more quickly you can adapt and evolve your ideas (and the faster you’ll reach your goals!).

What makes successful people successful is their ability to act quickly – when they get a new idea, they can implement it right away, while others are still in the planning phase.

Remember, value is created when an idea is turned into a project and actually implemented. The value is in the implementation.

Forget about trying to make it perfect – just “put it out there” and see what happens! You can always edit and refine it later (you likely will).

5. Think Of Everything An An Experiment

Adopt the mindset that everything in your professional life is an EXPERIMENT.

Educate yourself by exposing yourself to the best of what others have done.

Test your ideas more often with your potential clients and customers – then take what works and implement it into your system.

This is a fantastic mindset to have in Circular Dating as well!

As an added bonus for helping you build your career, when you give your masculine energy something to DO, your love life will automatically improve. I’d love to hear how these tips work for you!

4 thoughts on “Tips For "Having It All" In Work And Love – Part 2”

    1. Thank you so much, Sami! Teaching and training other coaches has inspired me to write about how you can build your career AND improve your love life at the same time. I’m glad you enjoyed it!
      Love, Helena

  1. I can attest that if you give your masculine energy more to do in your career/life purpose, your love life will improve. I started refocusing on my work this fall and finding new creative ways to approach my work. I also set some pretty lofty goals for myself and started articulating them out loud to friends and family.
    My circle dating did slow down a bit during this time, but I didn’t mind or even notice too much because I was mentally engaged at work. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that just a few months later I met a great guy through the dating app Coffee Meets Bagel who is in my field of work! He is by far the most “masculine energy” guy I’ve ever dated (I hardly have to do a thing!) and it is an added bonus that we speak the same creative “language.” He loves that about our relationship, too, and is interested in and supportive of my goals. It’s still kind of early on but we have both remarked how easy it feels to be together. I feel so grateful!

    1. Christina – That’s fantastic!! I’m SO happy to hear that all of your hard work is paying off! It sounds like as soon as you got your masculine energy in gear for yourself and your own life, a wonderful masculine-energy man showed up (since we attract a mirror image of our OWN “boy” energy). That’s exactly how it works! 🙂
      Love, Helena

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