Flirting With The World, Even When There Aren’t Any Men Around

Valentine tree, love, leaf from heartsHappy Valentine’s Day! Here’s a question about flirting and practicing being in your feminine energy, even when there aren’t any men in front of you.

The Question:

How do I practice the tools and flirting when I’m out in public and there aren’t any men right in front of me? I’ve had a lot of success learning how to be in my feminine energy, but I don’t always have men to practice with. – Kim

My Answer:

Kim – this is a brilliant question! There are definitely ways to practice the tools and stay open 100% of the time.

“Flirting With The World” is an amazing concept that will give you a bigger view of flirting and being in your feminine energy.

Thinking “small” would simply be searching for a man, or looking to find a relationship. You don’t want to “zero in” like this. When you’re flirting with the world, you’re not even looking for someone specific to flirt WITH!

You want to open up your view of flirting by “zooming out” and thinking BIG.

This means flirting with whoever and WHATEVER comes into your space, wherever you are.

Let’s go ahead and extend this to inanimate objects, so you can do this even when there aren’t any people around. Let’s say you’re shopping – if you’re at the mall, try flirting with the different clothes! Flirt with the sales people.

Try staying in your feminine energy as you interact with everyone and everything around you.

This is an extension of love and extension of your heart – and it’s an exercise for you to open UP your heart, which is what we’re all about here.

You want to think about this in a big, all-encompassing way.

Just because a man’s not right in front of you doesn’t mean you can’t practice being warm, open, and vulnerable. Flirting with the world is a very feminine and “soft” idea.

Let’s say you’re somewhere where there ARE men around. Instead of being results-oriented and thinking, “I’m supposed to be Circular Dating…I’m supposed to be flirting…I HAVE to do this…” – try taking the opposite approach.

Try taking a more process-oriented approach and thinking, “I’m flirting with LIFE!”

You really want to feel that life LOVES you and the universe wants good things for you, no matter what’s going on.

This puts a really good-feeling spin on everything – and it’s a very feminine way to be, which is exactly what we’re going for here.

Your feminine energy is where your power is when it comes to attracting men. Let’s all practice flirting with the whole world today!

If you want to learn exactly how to tap into your feminine energy to attract the man and relationship you’ve always wanted, click here to check out my eBooks and Programs.

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