3 Tips On How To Get Your Ex Back

mend-your-heartIn a previous post, I revealed three mistakes to avoid if you want to get back together with your ex. Here are three tips to get your ex back if you’re using the initial No Contact Rule – which will eliminate your chances of making any of those mistakes and take you in the RIGHT direction in getting back together.

Tip #1: Bring Back The Woman He Fell In Love With

If your best qualities are your sense of humor, your positive outlook, and your ability to make people feel good, get back in touch with these qualities and bring them out. If you’re using the No Contact Rule and your ex contacts YOU – you want him to remember why he fell in love with you in the first place, rather than rehash the pain of the break up.
You also want to take your focus OFF of him. When you take your focus away from him, it shifts your vibe – and often results in HIM being the one wanting to rekindle things! It’s easy to become very focused on a man when you want to distract yourself from the problems in your OWN life. The idea is to become the best version of the person you were before you met your ex – and do this for YOU, not for him.

Tip #2: Know Why Your Ex Left And How It Will Be Different The Second Time Around

Take some time to figure out why the break up occurred. Was there something that changed in the relationship dynamic – either recently or gradually over time? Sometimes people get comfortable in their relationships and let certain things go without even realizing it – and all it takes to repair this problem is to discover what it is and make a positive shift in the right direction.
This means you have to take a close look at anything you might have done to make him want to distance himself from you. Were you getting a little demanding because you’d started to take him for granted? Did you “freak out” because you felt him starting to drift away and you panicked? If so, accept responsibility for your behavior so you can start to reverse the dynamic.

Tip #3: Make Your Ex Chase YOU

Men value what they have to work for. If you make it too easy on him, he’s going to lose interest quickly. Don’t give in to sleeping with your ex until you’re SURE things are back on track and he wants to commit to you again. When he sees that you’re not chasing him down or trying to EARN his love – it will inspire his masculine need to “win” you, and he’ll want to spend more and more time with you on his own.
This is not only easier, it also gives your relationship a better chance of survival when you let your ex come to his own conclusions – instead of trying to convince HIM to take you back or give the relationship another shot. The moment he realizes that you know your value, he’ll likely start to see you in a whole new way. Let him remember what an incredible woman you are!

For more in-depth tips on how to get your ex back, click here to learn the step-by-step blueprint to get your ex to start chasing YOU again.

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