How To Create Feelings Of Intense Love And Desire In A Man

falling_in_loveHere’s how to make a man feel intense love and desire for you in two simple steps:

Step 1: Become Emotionally In-Tune With Him

If you want a man to feel an intense, almost addictive love for you, then you need to become emotionally in-tune with him.
This means that you have to connect with the emotional part of his mind rather than the logical part.
Most women don’t get this – in fact, most women try to logically convince a man to like them by dressing sexy, cooking great meals, and giving to him.

Not only does that not work, it actually ends up pushing men away – because they’re missing the most important element of the puzzle. That element is EMOTION.

Have you ever seen a woman who can make any guy go absolutely crazy for her and do practically anything to please her?

At the same time, have you ever seen a woman who’s gorgeous and seems to do everything “right” – yet she’s never able to get the love or attention she desperately desires?

What’s the difference between the two?

The woman in the first example understands the critical concept of becoming emotionally in-tune with a man and as a result, she’s able to make a man go crazy with desire for her – while most women try really hard yet struggle.
The bottom line is that you’ll always struggle with men unless you learn how to become emotionally in-tune with them. Otherwise, you’ll constantly be “spinning your wheels” without getting anywhere.

Step 2: Establish Yourself As A Valuable Asset In His Mind

Why are diamonds so valuable? It’s not because they look pretty – the truth is, diamonds are valuable because they’re rare and not easy to acquire. They’re perceived as something very valuable.
In order to make a man feel intense desire for you, you need to present yourself as a super valuable asset, just like a diamond.

You need to position yourself in a way that he would be absolutely scared to lose you and would do anything in his power to keep you for as long as possible.

Something gets triggered inside a man when he knows that you’re this valuable asset.

His masculine instinct awakens and he feels a strong inner drive to protect you, fight for you, and never let you go.

Every man is a born hunter – they all have a hunter instincts embedded deep within their subconscious mind, and these instincts get awakened when a woman presents herself as a special prize to be won.

When this happens, a man can’t help but act on this instinct and will pursue you as hard as humanly possible.

In fact, he’ll feel like the luckiest guy in the world to have you around him – and he’ll place a high value on whatever time and attention he gets from you.

Click here to learn exactly how to become emotionally in-tune with a man and establish yourself as a valuable asset to trigger his feelings of love and desire.

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