What Do Men Need To Move The Relationship Forward And TRULY Commit?

Here’s a clip from my interview with Tony Balbin, creator of the Ex Back Blueprint, which was part of his Commitment Symposium.
In the full 50-minute interview (which is part of my Effortlessly Attract Love Program), I answer several questions about EXACTLY what a man needs from a woman in order to inspire his love, devotion, and life-long commitment – and the specific tools to help you get there. 


If you’re ready to attract the right man for you and inspire him to give you the love and commitment you want, click here to learn more about my Effortlessly Attract Love Program. 

5 thoughts on “What Do Men Need To Move The Relationship Forward And TRULY Commit?”

  1. The full interview is awesome, I love what he says at the end, “You deal with the reality of how men are wired…” 🙂 Thanks for all the great tips!

  2. what about the guys who say “i would love to be in a relationship at some point, when i find the right woman”? i am smart enough to stay away from the guys who say they arent looking (learned that painful lesson) but MANY say the above!

    1. Hi Lily,
      Great question! If you’re just meeting a man for the first time or you don’t know him well that’s a perfectly normal comment for him to make – there’s nothing wrong with it and as you mentioned, many men think this way (and women do too!). However, if you’ve been involved with him or you’ve been dating him long enough for him to know whether or not he wants to be with you, if he were to say something like this at that point it would be an indication that he’s not considering anything serious with you and so in that case I’d move on.
      Love, Helena

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