6 thoughts on “The #1 Thing You Need To Do To Stop Pushing Him Away And Bring Him Closer”

  1. Awesome! this was very helpful and it makes total sense. Thank you so much, I purchased your Feminine Art of Attraction program today and i feel things are shifting just for reading two modules.

    1. Hi Mirna,
      I’m glad this was helpful, and I’m so happy to hear that you’re already feeling things shifting using The Feminine Art Of Attraction! I’d love to hear how everything goes for you!
      Love, Helena

  2. This is amazing! I wish I would have watched this the day that you posted this it probably would have saved the relationship that I had that was fading fast. I was doing most of the things you said not to do and pushed him away. I feel bad because he really was a good boyfriend. Now I’m just learning how to be my best self. If we get back together then great! If not there are plenty of other men out there. Thank you so much for helpful information and putting it in a way my brain can understand! You really are amazing!

    1. Thank you so much, Kristen! I’m glad this video was helpful. It sounds like you’re on the right track, I always say that AWARENESS is the first step to turning everything around. Keep me posted on how things go!
      Love, Helena

  3. This is brilliant. It’s all of it in a nutshell. I’ve never had to chase after a man who wanted me that I ended up in a relationship.
    This is difficult for survivors of childhood abuse trauma but healing is possible.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Brenda! I agree, healing is definitely possible. Learning to receive a man’s love and affection just because of who you ARE (rather than what you DO or give to him) is a foreign concept to so many of us – but once you implement some of these tools and start to get incredible results, it starts to feel much more natural and become second nature.
      Love, Helena

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