How To Stop Settling For Crumbs In Dating And Relationships

Here’s a short video I made to answer a question I received from a reader about how to stop settling for crumbs in dating and relationships, which is so important if you’re looking to attract a man who wants to give you all the love and commitment you’re looking for.
Let me know what you think in the comments below – I’d love to hear your thoughts!

If you’re ready to start attracting more love and the RIGHT man for you, click here to learn more about my Effortlessly Attract Love Program.

3 thoughts on “How To Stop Settling For Crumbs In Dating And Relationships”

  1. Brilliant answer to my question, thank you!!! I’m already feeling a lot better and finding it easier to move on by taking my focus off of him and what he’s doing or not doing, and putting that attention on myself. I even have a date with a nice new guy this week. 🙂 Thanks again!

    1. Hi Andrea,
      You’re very welcome! I’m glad it was helpful for you and I’m SO happy to hear that you’re finding it easier to move on towards the kind of relationship you really want. Looking forward to hearing about how this goes for you!
      Love, Helena

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