The Secret Psychology That Makes Him Fall For You

Here’s a great article by Rori Raye, my brilliant mentor and author of the amazing eBook, “Have The Relationship You Want”:

A man falls in love with you because he knows he can be himself around you.

He falls in love with you because he feels SAFE expressing his innermost, private feelings with you.

He knows that you can handle YOUR feelings. He can sense that – and because he senses that at the most unconscious level, he starts to long for your company, for your touch and your affection.

He may not even know why he feels this way. All he knows is that there’s something special about you that he doesn’t feel with any other woman in his life.

This is the “secret psychology” that makes him fall for you. I say it’s a secret because it’s little-understood by women (AND men).

It’s rare that either you or he will know exactly WHY he feels mesmerized by you and wants to get close to you and pursue you for something serious and long-lasting.

Many of us are wrong about why a man falls in love. We think a man needs sex, or has to have a fabulously gorgeous woman with a great body.

We think a man falls for us because we’re sweet to him, and kind, and giving. ESPECIALLY giving. So we do things for him:

  • We cook lovely meals and offer deep, thoughtful advice on whatever troubles him.
  • We light candles whenever he comes over. We put on our sexiest clothes and buy lacy lingerie.
  • We become exclusive with him without even a passing thought to what WE want, or whether or not he’s met our needs yet for a secure, loving and committed relationship.
  • We give our bodies, our souls, and our minds to him.

…and STILL he tells us that he’s not sure how he feels. He becomes distant and moody. Or he stops calling and asking us out as often as he used to. Or he does something very hurtful, or tells us that he doesn’t believe you’re “meant” to be together.

This happens because deep down, you didn’t trigger love in his HEART. You didn’t connect on the deepest, most intimate level… his feelings.

So, How Do You Connect With A Man’s Feelings?

I’ll tell you briefly what DOESN’T connect to him. When you tell a man about what you think about the relationship, or what you did that day, or what you think of the latest news you’ve read or the gossip at work – he listens.

He participates in the conversation. But his FEELINGS aren’t triggered.

And so you chatter on about your life, but leave out the one part that would drop you suddenly into intimacy: Emotions.

You share everything but who you are. You put up walls with him without even knowing you’re doing it.

You decide not to tell him the sorrow you felt that morning about something. You omit admitting how the spring air made you feel alive and free when you went for a walk at lunchtime.

Or… you actually don’t even pay attention to your own emotions. You’re too busy with your to-do lists and tasks and with the chatter of everyone else around you in your life.

You worry a lot. You make plans in your head for the next moment, the next day, or the weekend.

But if you were to allow yourself to FEEL what you’re feeling, and then speak from those feelings, you would make him feel safe and connected to you.

It seems like such a simple thing – but for so many of us, it’s such a counter-intuitive thing. It’s difficult. We’re not used to being juicy, sexy, FEELING creatures.

So many of us are programmed to be DOING, thinking, managing and worrying – and these are the qualities that make a man feel nothing around you.

These are the qualities that make him think of you more like a “friend” than his lover.

Change Your Vibe And Watch Him Fall

When you become a feminine, juicy, sensual FEELING creature, you become what I call a “siren” around a man.

You magnetize him simply by being what you were always meant to be… an alluring woman who’s soft on the outside, but strong and resilient on the inside.

There are very specific things you can do to shift your vibe that will make you irresistible to a man! To learn more, click here to subscribe to Rori’s amazing FREE relationship advice e-newsletter.

Rori’s eBook and programs changed my life and my whole view of relationships immediately. To check them out, click here and then click on “Program Catalog” in the top right corner.

1 thought on “The Secret Psychology That Makes Him Fall For You”

  1. This is the Best advice I could have ever gotten. Thank you so much.
    To be A woman who’s not afraid to engage intimately with her own feelings with her man, is truly well-connected to herself at a deep and conscious level and therefore doesnt need to armor herself from the outside, staying warm and relaxed and unthreatened, not worried because she deeply trusts her inner boundaries as a truly strong mature woman and therefore can express her vulnerabilities and real, raw emotions to him, simply because she is That natural with herself and comfortable in her own feminine spirit, only because thats who she simply is, a natural juicy woman, not so she can force him to love her more or anything… which draws him nearer to her warmth to accept him as the Man he is. Beautiful !! ♥♥

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