The Mindset That Will Help You Attract The Life And Love Of Your Dreams (LIVE Video!)

Here’s my second LIVE Facebook video on a simple mindset shift that will help you attract the life and relationship of your dreams. This works whether you’re looking to attract the right man for you, get MORE love from the man you’re with now, or attract more success and abundance (or anything else you desire!).

If you’re ready to attract the right man for you – or create more love and abundance to live the life of your dreams – click here to check out The Feminine Art Of Attraction.

4 thoughts on “The Mindset That Will Help You Attract The Life And Love Of Your Dreams (LIVE Video!)”

  1. What happens when the relationship you wanted and felt the Universe delivered and made available without you even knowing reaches a point after 3 years when he (an empathy) still cannot commit to seeing you or doing things with you but he is always getting closer and healing himself from deep pain and hurt. He sees the relationship as great. Very important for two whole couples to come together and heal separately before making any commitment but what if, all the while it is getting better but you feel it should be NOW or by this time… all the while being totally grateful for the experience and the growth and where it brought you.

    1. Hi Linda,
      Great question! What you need to decide is whether or not what he is offering you in terms of the relationship is “enough” for you to be with him and close off your other options. If you can date other men and remain open to him as well while he’s going through this healing process (and from what it sounds like, isn’t at a place where he’s willing or able to give you everything you want), that may be a good option for you.
      There are many different ways you could go with this – it’s all about trusting yourself and your intuition and going with what FEELS best to you in each moment. I’d love to hear about how things turn out for you!
      Love, Helena

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