4 thoughts on “Is He Falling In Love With You? Here's How To Tell…”

  1. Hi Helena, I have found your videos and advice so helpful! Thank you for taking the time to help. Please can you send me your video ‘How to connect deeply with a man’s heart so he falls for you’.
    Thanks again and have a great day.

  2. One really cool way of knowing if a man is interested in me /us if for example we are out on a date or just learning about each other is this: does he want pictures of the 2 of us? Does he include selfies of us together. If I see after 2 or 3 dates- this is before sex btw whether he wants us is he wanting to capture our moments? Yes, I’ve no iced this because he will focus and take pictures of our surroundings or just of me or just of himself. I believe I am right on with this! Anyone want to cmwnt or share what they think of my post would be great! Thank you!

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