helena-hart-1In a world that obsesses over image and beauty, it can be easy to get lost in the game of comparison and become disconnected from who you really are.
When you disconnect with yourself, you lose sight of your own desires and dreams in life – you stop thriving and start “surviving.”
That’s why it’s SO important to have a healthy relationship with your own body and to connect with your authentic self.
I’m so honored to collaborate with Kate Cady in spreading the message about what beauty REALLY means – and how we as women can start building our confidence and loving who we are inside and out, unapologetically!  
Real beauty has nothing to do with your size, shape, or color. It’s time to change the way the world defines beauty!

Beauty is your TRUE self being reflected on the outside.

Beauty is being comfortable in your own skin.

Beauty is knowing who you are – and embracing, loving, and accepting EVERY part of yourself.

Beauty is feeling confident to be your authentic self inside and out.

If you want to learn how to align your inner beauty and outer beauty, start feeling confident in your own body, and connect to your feminine energy to attract everything you desire – this free video series is for you.
This was one of my favorite interviews I’ve ever done. I’m excited to share it with you and look forward to seeing you there!

If you want to build your confidence from the inside out and fulfill your desires – all while feeling more beautiful than ever – click here to join me and a lineup of experts in this FREE video series called The Art Of Beauty. 

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